Module One - TASK B - Telnet fun

Posted by colzz on 3:45 PM in
I telnet'd over to "towel.blinkenlights.nl"

I had pretty low expectations, but I was actually very surprised to find Star Wars!

[Screencapture from telnet://towel.blinkenlights.nl 6 March 2009]

I can't imagine the effort and time it must've taken to do that. It was quite amazing and it certainly made me change my mind a little about Telnet.

I started searching the internet for other interesting Telnet places. I had a look at Telnet.org and found a lot of interesting links.. including MUDS ?? Which is apparently "a multi user real-time virtual world described entirely in text" (Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MUD 6 March 2009)

[Screen capture from telnet://shadow-lands.com 6 March 2009]

It was like finding a whole new world I never knew existed. I'm sure when Telnet was first invented, it wasn't with MUD games in mind or renditions on Star Wars, but the same can be said for most ideas. Who would've imagined the internet would be shaped to be what it is today from it's simple beginnings. Creative & clever people will always find new ways of re-inventing old ideas for their needs and Telnet is a great example of this.



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